Speed Chess Rules Summary

See NLSCA Rules for full rules.

  1. Touch move and touch take rules shall apply.

  2. If a player has to reset/adjust (accidentally) knocked down pieces, it has to be done during his/her own clock time.

  3. It is not mandatory to say "check" when attacking the king. A king under attack is vulnerable to capture.

  4. A game is considered won when a player has captured his/her opponent’s king before the fall of the flag.

  5. A game is considered won if a player spots an illegal move completed by his/her opponent and claims it during his/her turn.

  6. A game is considered won if a player spots the fall of his/her opponent’s flag and claims it.

  7. If there is not enough mating material on either side, it will be considered a Draw even after the fall of the flag.     

  8. If a player touches a piece, he/she must move it if that piece has a legal move. If a player touches one of the opponent's pieces, he/she must capture it if it can be taken legally.  A move cannot be changed once a piece is "released", unless the player realizes the move is illegal before the clock is pressed.

  9. A player who repeatedly disrupts the board by knocking over pieces will be first given a warning. All such subsequent disruptive behaviour will be penalized and may eventually lead to forfeiture of game.

Posted: 6 June 2005