Vanier Fall 2004 Tournament Results

List of Players by School

Results Summary

  Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4
1st Place

Christian Greenland

(G3 - Roncalli)

Mark Jackman

(G3 - Vanier)

Anthony Lucas

(G6 - Vanier)

James Greey

(G7 - MacDonald Drive)

2nd Place

Andrew Dawson

(Kinder. - Cowan Heights)

Laura Jane Dawson

(G2 - Cowan Heights)

Zachary Bishop

(G4 - St. Edward's)

Jamie Kennedy

(G6 - St. Andrews)

3rd Place

Heidi Ryan

(G3 - Vanier)

Daniel Major

(G3 - Vanier)

Roman MacDonald

(G4 - MQP)

Douglas Clark

(G9 - MacDonald Drive)

Best Performance

Christian Greenland

(G3 - Roncalli)

Mark Jackman

(Grade 3 - Vanier)

Anthony Lucas

(G6 - Vanier)

Douglas Clark

(G9 - MacDonald Drive)

Best Unrated Player

Christian Greenland

(G3 - Roncalli)


Joshua Wade

(G4 - Cape St. Francis)


In Section 1: Andrew Dawson and Heidi Ryan played off for 2nd and 3rd place.

In Section 2: Daniel Major and Liam O'Leary played off for 3rd and 4th place

In Section 3: Anthony Lucas, Roman MacDonald and Zachary Bishop played off for the top three places.

In Section 4: James Greey and Jamie Kennedy played off for 1st and 2nd place

In Section 4: Douglas Clark and Jeffrey Dawson played off for 3rd and and 4th place


On his request, and with the unanimous agreement of all the Section 4 players, Nicholas Hunt in Section 4 (instead of Section 2)


Best Performance is calculated based on the greatest increase in a player's rating.

Best New Player is calculated based on increase in the highest rating achieved by an unrated player at the tournament..


Section 1 - Kindergarten to Grade 3 Rated Under 400

#Name IDRtng PostGrd Rd 1Rd 2 Rd 3Rd 4 Rd 5Tot
1Greenland Christian685113unr.03W2W4W3W5W6 5.0
2DAWSON Andrew679454 3563820L1W7W5W4D3 3.5
3RYAN Heidi560136 3473683W7W5L1W8D2 3.5
4MCDONALD Liam637907 2742852W8L1W6L2W7 3.0
5NEWHOOK Benajmin679498 2582581W6L3L2L1W8 2.0
6Squires Ryan685124unr.03L5W8L4D7L1 1.5
7Ball Christopher685091unr.03L3L2D8D6L4 1.0
8Wilson Molly685157unr.01L4L6D7L3L5 0.5


Section 2 - Kindergarten to Grade 3 Rated 400 or More

#Name IDRtng PostGrd Rd 1Rd 2 Rd 3Rd 4 Rd 5Tot
1JACKMAN Mark560114 6176593W5D2W3W4U--- 3.5
2DAWSON Laura Jane554534 6306302W4D1W5U---L3 2.5
3MAJOR Daniel475503 6116113U---L4L1W5W2 2.0
4O'LEARY Liam613574 4844983L2W3U---L1W5 2.0
5DAVIS Matthew620932 4014013L1U---L2L3L4 0.0


Section 3 - Grade 4 to Grade 12 Rated Under 600

#Name IDRtng PostGrd Rd 1Rd 2 Rd 3Rd 4 Rd 5Tot
1MCDONALD Roman541484 5335694W12W3W7L2W8 4.0
2BISHOP Zachary490577 5125624W14W6W10W1L3 4.0
3LUCAS Anthony478765 4775296W16L1W11W5W2 4.0
4DAWE Peter456502 5695695L8L13W15W12W9 3.0
5HANNA-QUINN Eric556931 5655656W9L7W12L3W11 3.0
6OUTERBRIDGE Olivia467133 5545544W11L2L9W13W14 3.0
7DROVER Justin617051 5115144W15W5L1L8W10 3.0
8EDDY Joseph556896 4164466W4L10W13W7L1 3.0
9SUPPIAH Yegappan373331 4014417L5W14W6W10L4 3.0
10DINN Evan470812 5205204W13W8L2L9L7 2.0
11HALE Tyler636276 3833835L6W16L3W14L5 2.0
12BENNETT Bradley682661 3683686L1W15L5L4W16 2.0
13WHITE Alexander4894752002136L10W4L8L6U--- 1.0
14Wade Joshua685135unr.04L2L9W16L11L6 1.0
15Wade Keisha685146unr.06L7L12L4L16B--- 1.0
16Downton Michael685102unr.05L3L11L14W15L12 1.0


Section 4 - Grade 4 to Grade 12 Rated 600 or More

#Name IDRtng PostGrd Rd 1Rd 2 Rd 3Rd 4 Rd 5Tot
1GREEY James340514 109810938W12L7W4W8W5 4.0
2KENNEDY Jamie423202 9919906W14L8W13W9W3 4.0
3DAWSON Jeffrey490678 8578856W13W9W7D5L2 3.5
4CLARK Douglas479081 7418599W6D5L1W10W7 3.5
5DAWSON Michael478798 9939795W11D4W8D3L1 3.0
6GREGORY Calvin442102 9399155L4W14W15L7W13 3.0
7GRANT Devin349255 8358557W15W1L3W6L4 3.0
8PARRELL Anthony478899 6897855W10W2L5L1W12 3.0
9HANNA-QUINN Sonja560147 6346724B---L3W12L2W14 3.0
10HUNT Nicholas541449849799 3L8L12W11L4B--- 2.0
11PRETTY Alex489464 8197844L5L13L10B---W15 2.0
12OUTERBRIDGE Julia447715 7407406L1W10L9W15L8 2.0
13NEWHOOK Samuel479002 7067244L3W11L2W14L6 2.0
14HAYNES William604034 7667667L2L6B---L13L9 1.0
15WILSON Nathan613607 6676676L7B---L6L12L11 1.0


Posted: Tuesday November 23, 2004