Vanier Open 2019
Players Listed by Section 39 Players
Primary 11 Players

Amelia Kubera Macdonald Drive E.S. St. Johns 0

James Kidney Octagon Pond 0

Jasper Kennedy Mary Queen of Peace St. Johns 0

Nathan Wadland Macdonald Drive E.S. St. John's 1377077 229

Mateo Weymouth Mary Queen of Peace St. John's 1366503 306

Clark Hierlihy Macdonald Drive E.S. St. John's 1421875 309

Connor Gow Beachy Cove E.S. St. John's 1366424 319

Matthew Greey Macdonald Drive E.S. St. John's 1421897 339

Luke Pittman Macdonald Drive E.S. St. John's 1362802 502

Satya McKim Beachy Cove E.S. Portugal Cove-St. 1366446 552

William Greey Macdonald Drive E.S. St. John's 1355275 618
Elementary 17 Players

Aidan Douglas Macdonald Drive E.S. St. Johns 0

Alaina Evely Mary Queen of Peace St. John's 1403976 269

Michael Pinksen Vanier E.S. St. John's St. John's 1302344 302

Nolan Ash Mary Queen of Peace St. John's 1421785 488

Aathmihan Logendraraj Mary Queen of Peace St. John's 1421829 523

Meadow Kennedy Mary Queen of Peace St. John's 1366492 544

Michael Ficken Macdonald Drive E.S. St. John's 1355264 569

Niko Lahoda Vanier E.S. St. John's St. John's 1223875 572

Riley Griffiths Vanier E.S. St. John's St. John's 1251911 648

George Short St. Matthew St. John's St. John's 1313954 660

Daniel Wadland Macdonald Drive E.S. St. John's 1362789 665

Frank Chen Mary Queen of Peace St. John's 1107674 718

Sam Beckett Rennies River E.S. St. St. John's 1219149 732

Millie Janes Vanier E.S. St. John's St. John's 1322572 766

Muhammad Ibrahim Macdonald Drive E.S. St. John's 1355229 825

Alan Salah Macdonald Drive E.S. St. John's 1223897 918

Evan Ze Fang St. Matthew St. John's St. John's 1251933 1134
Junior High 5 Players

Dipayan Dhar Macdonald Drive J.H. St. Johns 1322561 567

Shathvihan Logendraraj St. Paul s J.H. St. John's 1421818 600

Norman Chen St. Paul s J.H. St. John's 994285 1145

Tanish Bhatt Macdonald Drive J.H. St. Johns 1162844 1222

Peter Dormody St. Paul s J.H. St. John's 1107663 1241
Senior High 6 Players

Luke Brockerville Gonzaga H.S. St. St. Johns 1108989 844

Jacob Burton Holy Spirit H.S. Manuels 1366457 1040

Nandan Chandrakanth Gonzaga H.S. St. St. John s 1066871 1276

Benjamin Chislett Holy Heart of Mary St. John's 921813 1511

Xingbo Huang Gonzaga H.S. St. St. John's 1014794 1540

Ryan Pickard Gonzaga H.S. St. St. John's 855887 1566